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From the Publisher

As words, Peace in the Storm connotes harmony in the midst of a disturbance in the atmosphere. As authors, Peace in the Storm connects with readers on the deepest and the most intimate levels possible. Language and words are powerful. They encapsulate our very expression, our hearts, our thoughts, and our emotions; and that is why each written page is delivered from our hearts to each reader’s soul. Peace in the Storm… it’s not just a company name, it’s who we are, it’s what we create on every turning page; and whatever your genre, Peace in the Storm has a book that fits your need. I am committed and current in my ability to have the audacity to hope. Hope is the measure where change is giving readers a chance to have choices for good books amid page-turning delight. PEACE IN THE STORM PUBLISHING is here…to stay. My quest is simple – to produce books that are dynamic, authors who have something entertaining and enlightening to say, and a company that embodies all of the above

Always and in All Ways,
I remain,

Elissa Gabrielle

Our Imprints

Peace in the Storm as the head division as three other Imprints under her

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Amazing Authors That Complete Us

Peace in the Storm as more than 20 experience and seasoned authors with more than 100years of combined experience

In Remembrance

Hurley Morgan aka H.M. Trey and Jessica A. Robinson

In Loving Memory for Hurley Morgan aka H.M. Trey and Jessica A. Robinson